The Wise Elephant’s Lesson: Secrets of Successful Studying

Little Readers
2 min readAug 27, 2023


Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

“Behind every successful person, there’s a mentor who believed in them when no one else did.” — Unknown

In a lush jungle of India, lived a curious young monkey named Maya and a wise old elephant named Guru.

Maya often watched Guru with awe, wondering how he had become so knowledgeable. One day, she got the courage to ask, “Guru, how can I study better?”

Guru, with his gentle eyes, smiled and said, “Maya, successful studying is like a journey in the forest. Each step counts.

With Guru’s guidance, Maya embarked on her learning journey. Guru’s favorite saying, “Every leaf holds a story,” echoed in her mind. She realized that just as every leaf in the jungle had a tale, every word in her book had something to teach her.

Guru also taught her the art of focus. “Like the eagle locks onto its prey, lock your mind onto your studies,” he would say. Maya understood that concentration was key.

As days turned into weeks, Maya’s dedication and Guru’s teachings gave fruit. Maya became wiser and more confident. Guru’s words, “A river carves a path through rocks, so does persistence through challenges,” guided her through tough times.

Maya’s newfound wisdom was shared with the jungle animals during a gathering. Guru’s words, “Sharing knowledge is like watering the forest,” encouraged her. The animals learned from Maya’s experiences, and in return, they shared their own wisdom.

Maya’s journey through learning not only transformed her but also created a ripple effect, enriching the lives of all the animals in the jungle.

Remember, like Maya, every step you take in your study journey is a step towards greater wisdom.

Lessons’ Learned: In the forest of learning, guidance from a guru is like the shade of a banyan tree, providing nourishment and shelter.

Appreciate your feedback, if you have any.

Manas Dash, 27th August 2023

“Mentoring is not about changing people, but helping them unlock their potential.” — Unknown

Guru-Sishya : Just as the wise elephant Guru shared his wisdom with Maya, in Indian history, Adi Shankaracharya, a great teacher, spread knowledge to his disciples. His teachings continue to inspire generations.

